Bears Giants Q&A

Ahhhhhh. After a nice, long, well-deserved break, the Bears are back! This time heading to NY to take on the Giants. Got the update that Mitch won’t be starting for the second straight week so we’re counting on Chase Daniel to win another road game, increasing the division lead. Did not think I’d be typing that sentence but here we are. Now mind you, it won’t all come down to Chase playing well, the defense is up against some TALENTED guys across the ball in Odell and Barkley. Gotta shut them both down.
For this week, I called on the only Giants fan I know, so he should feel honored to be in such a position. J-Sol and I go way back – circa 1997 at VCU.

We haven’t changed a bit. Happy Birthday Meg?

He’s a husband, father, actor, goof and the best dang singer of any Prince song you’ll ever come across. It’s truly an oddity that he doesn’t love the Vikings, but I bet he smiles when they win. However, he loves the Giants now and forever (what a trooper) so let’s dive in and get weird. 

The Giants have had a rough year despite a promising outlook. Where does the blame fall?
This might sound weird but honestly, I blame Bill Belichick. If he had just paid that worthless bag of rice Nate Solder then we would have looked elsewhere for O-line help. It took the Giants 9 weeks just to give Eli more than the blink of an eye to throw the ball and by then the season was lost.

Talk about the blink of an eye

I haven’t followed the Giants much this year, other than seeing some of Barkley’s amazing runs and Eli’s poor choices and Odell being Odell. I think they’ve just had bad luck? No, it’s probably your fault J-Sol, you sat the wrong way during several games and that had a direct impact, everyone knows it.

If you could do a player for player swap between the Bears and Giants, who you swappin?
You can have anyone but Saquon for Khalil Mack. That guy is an absolute stud muffin. STUD!!! I meant to just say stud. Anyway you guys hit the jackpot with him.

No. You can not have him.

Dang. Outside of Barkley, I’m not sure there is anyone else I’d want on the Giants. I’ll update this after watching the game Sunday. I should have done more homework, and for that, I apologize.

What’s the most upset you’ve been following a Giants loss?
When we lost the super bowl to the Ravens I was really bummed. We were in college and that team was good out of nowhere so it felt like a Cinderella ride that could only end in a championship. What made it the worst is that I watched the Game at a Super Bowl party with a bunch of theater nerds who couldn’t care less so while I’m freaking out and wanted to break something, everyone is laughing at me and talking about Stanislavsky. It sucked.
DUDE. I may have been at that party but probably wasn’t. Maybe Captain Howdy had a gig. Cause we had so many gigs on Super Bowl Sunday. Mine is a random loss to the Patriots in 2002. Up by a ton, blew the lead, I threw a recliner, it was awesome and terrifying. Also losing the Super Bowl was lame. 



Describe your best fart ever.
I was having a really great dream in which I was having another dream within that dream. Then in the midst of the climax of the dream I farted myself awake through both levels. I basically inceptioned myself. Plus, just like with the movie it left my wife startled and also confused.
Confusing the wives with poo particles is great. I’ve had so many great ones but my favorite category would have to be when I make sure the room is really quiet, then unleash hell making everyone wish they didn’t have noses.

Being an out of town fan, where do you watch the games? 
My wife bought my Sunday ticket this year for my birthday. Best gift ever for the first two weeks of the season.
YES. I too roll deep with the DirecTV. It’s a must have even though the Bears keep getting flexed into Primetime or being the featured game on local broadcast since they’re good so the switch to DirecTV has been totally compelling.  


Why are the Giants referred to as the G-Men?
They first tried make the “Guy-ants” happen and it wouldn’t stick. Then Wellington Mara came into the locker room one Sunday and said “Gee Men, what do you think about that for a nickname?” And the team said “Sound Great!” And the rest is history.
We have learned so much on this blog that I can’t remember what we’ve learned so I guess we’ve learned nothing which in and of itself is a miracle.

What player on the Giants do you loathe the most?
Well we got rid of Flowers and Apple so I guess I have to say Solder by default.
For participating in this blog, you’ve received a Nate Solder home blue jersey. Look for it by Christmas. 

Oh Crap Oh Crap Oh Crap


Better NFL TV personality – Michael Strahan or Phil Simms?
Phil Simms was the quarterback of my childhood and can do no wrong in my eyes. I love Stray but he tries too hard sometimes.
He’s gotten really corny. Phil Simms is the color guy on Madden (at least the old version I have) so I’ll say he’s aight as well. But only aight. Nothing more. 

I bet Strahan’s favorite store is the GAP.

Do you love Eli?
Love him. He gets so much hate but he’s my guy. His career is like the movie Forrest Gump. There is literally no explanation for his success but you can’t hate a guy that innocent and pure.
I’d love him too – 2 Super Bowl championships? I believe that’s more than Aaron Rodgers who everyone loves to crown as the GOAT even though everyone knows the GOAT is KYLE ORTON. 

Best. QB. Ever.


Being a Dad, are you going to force your team on your children or will they have their own choice in the matter? 
They had a choice since my wife is a Redskins fan. She pushes the skins but I just sit back. My oldest son is all about the Giants and my daughter loves the redskins. My youngest son will break the tie so both sides are trying to sway him at the moment.
Bribe them. Or, let your youngest fall in love with the Bears after they win the Super Bowl this year. 


What is your Super Bowl pick for this year?
I’d say Kansas City vs. LA Rams
I’d like to point out that I received these answers before news broke of Hunt being done in the NFL (who are we kidding, the Raiders are gonna sign this guy). So, I’ll give him a pass because it’s gonna be the Bears beating the Patriots again.

Score Prediction for the game Sunday?
A shootout for sure. Let’s knock a few points off to make it a bit more believable.
Bears 70
Giants 10

Bear Down!


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