
“Hey man, we’re the Lions. Get used to being really bad at your job.”

That was a pretty terrible 3 quarters of football. I’m just thankful that they play 4 quarters in the NFL. Just an absolute bonkers game with the Bears coming out on top 27-23 to start their season 1-0. Even better, a divisional opponent was on the losing end. How Matt Patricia is still a head coach is beyond me…wait, no it isn’t. He coaches the Lions. Keep him forever Detroit please and thank you.
In my preview last week I said this: “The Bears are gonna come out a little slow, but a strong effort on defense keeps them in it. Mitch picks it up and gets in rhythm in the second half, leading the Bears to their first victory of the season.”
Well, wouldn’t you know it, the Bears did in fact come out slow (trailing 23-6), the defense kept them in (not letting up any other points) and Mitch picked it up and got in rhythm (3 4th qtr TDs).

Keep grinding.

Not only was that epic prediction spot on, I nailed the Bears score of 27. The game was closer than I thought it was going to be, that’s for sure. You do have to feel terrible for D’Andre Swift dropping what would have been a game winning TD causing this blog to be something entirely different.

Offensively, the run game actually looked good. Mitch through 3 quarters looked bad, but cranked it up for the 4th. Praise jeebus.
Defensively, it wasn’t their best effort. The pass rush was nearly non-existent, Adrian Peterson at age 86 ran for nearly 100 yards in his first game in a new offense he’s been with all of a week or so. Yikes. But, they came up big when they needed to with Jaylon Johnson (the rookie who I thought played great) tipping up a pass into the air right into the arms of Kyle Fuller for the pick that led to the game winning touchdown.


Next up are the Giants who are coming off a season opening loss to the Steelers this past Monday night. Preview coming later this week.

Bear Down.

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